martes, 7 de julio de 2015

Tarot and The Order of the Magi

      Our interaction with the Universe is not one of our daily conscious activities. We live in a rat race totally disconnected from a spirituality weshould be naturally drawn to. We expect the Universe to "conspire" to solve our problems and the it shold assume responsibility for ur actions . 

The Universe neither conspires nor has any problems. Why we don’t try to find out how it works and ge to know the keys that resonate throughout all cosmos.
      The Universe is always communicating ,talking to us, screaming at us! But we choose not to listen. That's where the Tarot cards come into play.

    They are an interactive communication system. As they come up in a spread the communication activates and the whole system start unveiling its secrets to us.
      That system was revealed by the Order of the Magi long time ago at the end of the XIX.
    They claimed it was the ancient Atlanteans who passed that knowledge to the egyptians and so on to this day.      I don’t know if this is true or not. What I do know I that the system works and we will be disccussing it further on this blog.


miércoles, 3 de junio de 2015

Tarot and Karma

Tarot and Karma

We are taking a break from our astrological analysis and going back to Tarot for a while. This time we will talk about Tarot and its relationship with karma.
Karma means action, period, that's it. There is nothing fancy about the word. We are all subject to our actions which also comprise, thoughts, feelings, hopes etc. Thus Karma is an all encompassing word for actions in different levels of consciousness. We cannot escape it even God creates karma (work), in the Bhaghvad Gita we read….

"O son of Partha, there is no work prescribed for Me within all the three planetary systems. Nor am I in want of anything, nor have I need to obtain anything--and yet I am engaged in work.

For, if I did not engage in work, O Partha, certainly all men would follow My path.
If I should cease to work, then all these worlds would be put to ruination. I would also be the cause of creating unwanted population, and I would thereby destroy the peace of all sentient beings."

We cannot escape our karma but with the help of the Tarot we can decipher it.

Tarot is an interactive system of universal communication allowing us to connect with the cosmos and find out our role in it and thereby finding our karma.
The different Arcana are the arquetypes we all play in this life. The minor arcana are the day by day activities we face, the nitty gritty factor!
When you put them together you will discover your role and script in this great play we call life.
Being interactive, Tarot allow us to play forward and backwards and analyze our options, on an instant! That's a major advantage from other divinatory systems.

We can identify our role (arquetype,major arcana) and see if we are up to it or maybe we need some fine tuning. And with the minor arcana we can set a time for our actions and see the results.

This is not a magical formula but rather a feedback tool for our own benefit.
Let's make the best of it!

Hare Krishna

Vrajabasi Das

lunes, 18 de mayo de 2015

Mercury Retrograde: A Difficult ride for the US

I usually don’t make predictions concerning countries. There are so many variables to factor in that you can easily commit a big mistake. 
But this time I will take my chances knowing very well that to err is human and to forgive is divine. So I will appeal to your divine sense for any mistakes. I am not a seer. I am a humble astrologer who uses this knowledge to further myself spiritually and others if  I can. The data I will be using for the United States is the signing of the declaration of independence, July 4, 1776, Tropical calculations.
Taking that into consideration my first concern is mercury retrograde .Even though the US chart shows a native MeR which could cancel each other, the dignity is of Grand Enemy which makes things more challenging. The sun coming into Gemini and joining, mars, mercury in its seven house (foreign relations) could be a problem. And on top of that Saturn will be retrograde opposing its archenemies, The Sun and Mars. The 23, 25 and especially may the 27 are days to watch. This could be a foreign armed conflict the start of one (sun and mars opposing Saturn in seventh house) but with a financial touch (Gemini vs. Sagittarius). It could also mean trouble among the congress and the President over a foreign issue involving oil and money. That could be another guess. But may the 27 or around that date could prove to be a challenging date for the US. This is as good as my data, but I am taking my chances….wish me luck.



jueves, 14 de mayo de 2015

The Secrets of our "inner" Ganesha

Ganesha is undoubtedly one of the most popular deities in the Hindu pantheon. Its popularity among westerners is also
remarkable. Maybe his fame of giving generous boons to his
devotees could boost his popular appeal! But Ganesha is much more than a wish granting machine; it is  a deity and a universal concept.
The word Ganesh  comes from the Sanskrit and is made
up of the words Gana (multitude, group, hosts) and Isha
(controller, lord, master). When you put it together is becomes Ganesha, the Lord of hosts, the controller of the Ganas, patron saint of Vedic Astrology. Ganesha is indeed a powerful controlling energy not only on a spiritual level but also on the physical one.
The myth and the God have its physical counterpart in our
medulla oblongata. When you cut our neck and expose the
medulla, you will see a beautiful Ganesha right before our

This is indeed our "inner" Ganesha. The Medulla oblongata "is the part of the brainstem that is situated between the pons and the spinal cord. The medulla contains the cardiac, respiratory, vomiting and vasomotor centers and therefore deals with the autonomic (involuntary) functions
of breathing, heart rate and blood pressure". The proper
functioning of the medulla bring us health, right decision
making and of course good "luck".

One of my teachers used to say "truth is simple, logical and
universal". Being universal the Ganesha principle could be
applied to our physical temples, our bodies.
We should all worship our inner Ganesha a representation of a universal principle of happiness, health and good fortune!

Hare Krishna

Vrajabasi Das

viernes, 8 de mayo de 2015

The Therapeutic Tarot

We continue our series of writings on the Tarot and its archetypical representation in our everyday lives. Today's motif is The Emperor.
We've seen this card as The Pope in Marseille style Tarot decks. This archetype corresponds to our capacity to think proactively in a healthy and coherent way.
If the querent is a man then it could represent an incisive, active, clear decision making process. If a lady it could imply a particular strength to achieve goals with a clear decisional process of her own, an assertive woman that is.
If inverted, it could mean and insecure man, shy, introverted, no able to make a decision at the moment. For a lady it could mean codependence.
The Emperor card represents our mental world and how we manage it. It is an active principle in decision making. In relationships, it could imply that we are on the right track .If inverted that our decision making process is a faulty one
We can be emperors in our world, but what we really control is our thoughts and mental environment.

The major Arcana rule very much our archetypical world of ideas and have e a direct correspondence with the minor arcana. In fact they are to systems of divination altogether that complement each other. There is a close bond between and emperor card and the two of clubs/spades.
The variables are simple: numbers, suites and spreads. But the repercussions are wide. You have to add these three variables and make the resultant meaning a fact for the querent.



El Tarot Terapeutico :El emperador

Continuamos con nuestra serie de artículos sobre las cartas del tarot y su representación arquetípica en nuestras vidas. La carta de hoy es el Emperador.

También vemos esta carta como el Papa en algunas versiones particularmente en el tarot de Marsella y similares .Este arquetipo corresponde a nuestra capacidad de pensar de manera proactiva, son procesos mentales sanos y coherentes. 
Para un Varón esta carta representaría una mente incisiva, activa y clara en su proceso de tomar decisiones. Para una mujer implica una fortaleza particular de lograr sus metas, es una mujer asertiva, con procesos decisionales propios.
Si en la tirada sale invertida la carta, podría indicar un hombre inseguro de sus decisiones, tímido o introvertido. Para una Dama seria un signo de codependencia.
El emperador corresponde a nuestro mundo mental y cuan hábilmente lo manejamos. Es un principio activo de toma de decisiones. Si preguntamos por relaciones podría implicar que vamos en el camino correcto o si la carta es revertida que nuestra decisión deja mucho que desear. Podemos ser emperadores de muchas cosas pero de lo que mas podríamos tener control es de nuestro mundo mental.
Los arcanos mayores rigen nuestro mundo de ideas y tienen correspondencia directa con los arcanos menores. De hecho son dos sistemas de adivinación diferentes pero complementarios. Hay una relación estrecha entre el Emperador y los dos de espada y basto particularmente.
Las variantes del Tarot son sencillas: números, símbolos y posiciones en una tirada. Pero sus repercusiones son amplias. Depende de esas tres variantes y de la forma en que sale la carta, el significado último que se busca.


sábado, 2 de mayo de 2015

Feliz Kurma Jayanti : La aparicion el Vishnu Avatar de Saturno

Parasara en su Hora Sashtra, menciona las distintas encarnaciones de Vishnu que corresponden a los diversos Grahas (Planetas).
“El Avatara Rama desde el Sol, desde la Luna – el Señor de los Yadu (Krishna), Nrisimha desde Marte, Buda desde Mercurio, Vamana desde Júpiter, Bhargava (Parashurama) desde Venus, Kurma desde Saturno, desde Rahu – Sukara (Varaha), y desde Ketu el Avatara Miina.
Brihat  Parashara Hora Shastra
Esto es así porque el Señor Supremo se manifiesta a través de los planetas para dispensar nuestra deuda karmita en este plano, por eso también  leemos de Parashara hará como sigue….
“El Espíritu Innaciente Supremo ha tenido muchos descendientes. Janardana, en la forma de Grahas,
premia los frutos del karma de los seres vivos”.
Brihat Parashara Hora Shashtra
Estos dos conceptos son muy importantes para nuestra vida espiritual. Dios a través de las distintas influencias planetarias distribuye nuestro karma maduro (Parabda Karma) en esta vida. Esa influencia es divina y tiene un color particular de acuerdo a los planetas que lo manejan.
En el caso particular de Saturno, esa manifestación divina se llama Kurma Avatar. Su forma es la de una tortuga y representa el trabajo duro que a veces pasa desapercibido pero necesario para que las cosas sucedan. Es un planeta con significaciones pesadas en la mayoría de la gente y sus tránsitos suelen ser muy pesados para los humanos. El famoso transito sobre el ascendente o la luna nata conocido como Sade Sati es quizás su movimiento más famoso y temido.

El mantra para apaciguar a esta Avatar es Om Namo Bhagavate Kurmadevaya. También podemos usar mantras a Hanuman, tales como OM namo Hanumate Namaha. Siempre es recomendable recibir orientación astrológica antes comenzar dichas prácticas.
Un día como hoy, el Karma Jayanti, sería ideal para hacer los mantras, remedios y oraciones para los que tienen a Saturno afectado en su carta. Donaciones a animales realengos, gente sin hogar, enfermos y discapacitados son apropiadas también. Siempre hágalo en un carácter desinteresado y devocional.
Hare Krishna

Vrajabasi Das